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Monday, June 20, 2011

More humbling experiences....

I decided to do a slightly different run today - leaving from my apartment and running to the jungle (about 2.5 miles) then run inside and back to the apartment again.  I've become accustomed to having some coconut water directly from the coconuts cut up in front of me each time after running.  I really needed it today to get back, so I stopped at a vendor.  They charge 10 rupies (about 20 cents USD) per coconut.  Instead of giving him 20 rupies for two coconuts, I gave him 30.  He was most thankful for this extra little bit of money.

I started to walk away from the vendor and saw a very old man with his hand out.  It was clear he couldn't see very well nor really walk.  I pulled 100 rupies out of my pocket against better judgment - I'd been told not to do this.  I handed him the bill and walked away.  You'd have thought I just bought him a new house.  100 rupies is just over $2 USD.

As I started my Garmin watch back up, I looked at it a few extra seconds.  This watch cost me about $400 a few months ago.  I thought for a second about how much money $400 would be to these people.  Most likely, that's as much as some people make in an entire year.  I thought further about the $400 camera I carried around yesterday.  These are items I went to the store and bought without much thought...yet these would cost most people in Hyderabad an entire year's wages.  It makes you stop and think.....

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