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Monday, May 7, 2012

Cinco 'du' Mayo Recap!

Cinco 'du' Mayo - May 5, 2012

After a nasty, cold day the week prior (and therefore no racing for me at Falls), I was anxious to get the season started in Stillwater. I had decided early in the week to register for Cinco and would race no matter the conditions. After all, you can't skip the entire race season just because of bad weather. :)

The weather for the day turned out to be pretty well perfect - overcast, cool, light wind. I had decided this year to take it 'easy' and do the short course (2/10/2) rather than the long (5k/20/5k).

Upon arrival at Square Lake Park (after a 4:45 AM wake up and drive north), I grabbed my packet from a woman with a mustache (I think she was trying to playing the Cinco theme) and started to get set. A lot of familiar faces were already there including last year's winner and runner up (Sam and Dan), Charlie Roach and a friendly local face, Ruth Brennan Morrey. Many of us talked and joked while unpacking and getting ready - always a great remedy for helping with  those anxious, excited nerves.

After getting everything set, Ruth and I went out for a brief warm-up run. Of course, I was breathing hard while Ruth was chatting away - typical. :) Afterwards, I decided to use the last ten minutes of open transition time to hop on the bike and test everything out. Up and down a couple hills and back into transition to set everything for the race.

The long course started 30 minutes before the short course, so we got to see the first race start, and most come back in and out, before the short started. In under 18 minutes, the leaders started coming back into transition, with Dan leading and Ruth leading the women. In Ruth form, she was leading by a LONG ways, a couple minutes already. I saw her in, then out, before getting my mind ready to start myself.

At the starting line, I noted a couple familiar faces, including Steve Stenzel and Pete Ellis. I'd raced against both of these guys last year. I remembered both were solid athletes and in particular Steve was a pretty fast runner. I also knew that the course record of 53:26 was within my grasp given a smart and error-free race.

On the starting gun, we wound up the hill, took a left out of the park and another left at the T. Off the block, I was immediately out in the lead, not a position I particularly enjoy. However, I could hear one distinct set of footsteps that I suspected might be Steve. I didn't bother turning to look back and it appeared there were just two of us out in front. Sure enough, about .5 miles out, Steve passed me. 'Good morning!' he said in a way too enthusiastic tone. I laughed and greeted him back as he passed. He widened his lead to about 20 yards up to the turn around. As we hit the turn, my watch beeped. 5:50 first mile. Not bad. The next quarter mile, Steve widened his lead slightly, though he must have slowed coming into transition. As Jerry (from Minnesota Tri News) announced him, he mentioned Steve had come in sub-6. As I crossed in, I had as well (a new personal best). Steve and I appeared the two to beat, as no one else was too close behind. As I transitioned, Jerry was talking about my last year's racing results. It never hurts the ego to hear that. :) I transitioned out with the gap behind Steve and myself exactly the same. As I rode out I heard Jerry say, 'Erich has put himself in very good position to take this race.'

I cornered right out of the park, down the long hill and then left before I worried too much about picking up speed to catch Steve. I knew there were some tough hills in the first couple miles and understood that was where I'd probably catch him, if I was going to. It didn't take long, right about one mile in and on the first steep hill when I caught him. Steve said something as I went past, but I didn't catch it or have the breath to reply. It sounded friendly though. :)

I got to the top of the hill and hit it pretty hard, hoping to put a good distance between us. I didn't once look back. On the next right turn, I saw a familiar face, Charlie Roach. I came up on him hot and didn't realize I was so close to a turn. Crap!  I had to brake hard and went through the corner wide. Charlie passed me and had to of been thinking, 'what an idiot'. Of course, this was Charlie's second lap, so he'd had the chance to learn the first time!

I knew Charlie was probably bothered being passed (he confirmed that to me after the race), but I passed him again and took off. After all, we weren't running the same course. On the back half of the bike, I took it pretty easy, realizing that I'd need a strong R2 to be close to the course record and understanding that I was in the lead, probably by a healthy margin. As I approached the park coming back in (and coming back up the long hill I'd enjoyed going down), I dropped into a low gear and spun out my legs.

I came into T2 feeling pretty good, but having no idea how my legs would feel or where everyone else was at. As I entered the park, there was Ruth running out.  Sweet!  She was doing great!  She waved and smiled. 

Again through transition, Jerry talked about me but mentioned I was running top 5 (mixing me up with long course competitors). I didn't feel the need to correct him just then...I figured it was best to switch shoes and run!  Back out of the park I went, meeting Charlie on his bike coming in. He smiled and waved, I suspect having seen my yellow race bib and realizing we weren't competing against each other.

The first half mile was pretty tough. The usual heavy legs/thighs ensued. The good thing was that I hadn't seen any other short course people come in, so that meant I was at least a couple minutes ahead. As I approached the top of the largest running hill, I started to get my legs a little and picked it up a bit. I hit the turnaround at 6:20 - not bad. As I turned and ran back for the finish, I saw Pete in second. It seemed like he was closer than he actually was. As he ran past, he said, 'Nice race, Erich.' 'Shoot,' I thought, 'it's not over yet!' A few seconds after seeing Pete, there was Steve. He didn't make eye contact as we criss-crossed and looked very determined. Oh man.....

Fortunately, Dan (long course leader) was out ahead of me, so I had a good pacer. When I saw Steve, I picked up my pace pretty hard, trying to hold the distance between Dan and myself. I rounded the top of the hill coming back in and saw the sign for the park. As I turned right, I shot a look back over my shoulder. No one there. I looked at my watch. 51+. I looked to be in real good shape!

I crossed as Jerry mentioned I may have a course record. He wasn't sure because he had the long course timer in front of him. I caught my breath as I watched Steve come in second (2+ minutes back) and Pete not too far behind. The next notable to finish was Ruth. As she crossed, Jerry said she'd also broken the course over 10 minutes!  Ruth and I hugged after she crossed - how cool!  Two Rochester athletes winning. And kicking the course records!

That was certainly the highlight for the weekend...performing so well in concert with Ruth for the local club. But as Jerry reminded, a very competitive race is right around the corner...Oakdale in one week!  I'm planning to be there, unless the weather is really bad or my work trip wears me out too badly. I look forward to my next chance!

Race on!

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